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Clubs and Activities Available


After-School and Activity Bus Information

Extra Curricular Activities 

Students will be charged a non-refundable fee for participation in extra-curricular activities. The non-refundable fee for joining each club is $15. In addition, any costs associated with the club will be paid for directly by students or through fundraising.

Fees and registration are paid through the COMMUNITY PASS Portal.  If you do not have your Community Pass information, please contact Financial Services at (732) 613-6674.  Leave a message and someone will return your call.


If your child is participating in ANY after-school activity or staying with a teacher for after-school help, please discuss the ACTIVITY BUSES and STOPS with them, even if you plan on picking them up.  Please note that the stops are different than their regular bus stops.



2024-2025 HUES CLUBS  


ART CLUB                     
Advisor: Ms. Barrett & Mrs. Kulik (6th Grade only) 
Description: Hammarskjold Upper Elementary's Art Club is designed to promote an awareness of visual arts and encourage the growth of creativity and technical skill. Membership is chosen based upon application and attendance of interest meeting. For 2024-2025, this club meets on Wednesdays in room 1106 and Thursdays in room 1108. Interest meeting is on September 25th 3:45-4:25pm.  Registration will open on October 7th at 9am and first meeting will be held on October 9th.  

Max - 24 Students


Advisors: Mr. Bondi and Mrs. Leach  
Description: Provides academic competition in math, science, government, sports, art, history and English.  Students compete against students from other schools. For 2024-2025, this club meets on Tuesdays in room HM1702. Interest meeting on September 25th 3:40-4:25PM  Max. 24 students - Test will be on October 9th for 6th graders ONLY. Registration will open on October 18th at 9am and the first meeting will be on October 29th.

Pre-Requisite: Student selection is based on results from an assessment given.


BAND - 6th Grade 
Advisor: Mrs. Vanaman (Nichols) 

Description: After-school Band rehearsals extend classroom activities and learning experiences.  After-school rehearsals are optional and attendance will earn students extra credit for their band grade. Exact dates will be communicated with students and families as needed. Concert Band participates in two concerts per year - the HUES Band Winter Concert and the HUES Band Spring Concert. For 2024-2025, this club will meet on select Wednesdays in room 1524 or the JMPAC, 3:40-4:20PM. First PM rehearsal will be communicated to band students during class. Additional extra help for small groups will be offered before school from 8:15-8:55AM 

Requirements: In order to attend after-school Band, students must be enrolled in the elective class 6th Grade Band or 6th Grade Percussion.


BAND - 5th Grade                                                
Advisor: Mrs. Vanzini 

Description: After-school Band rehearsals extend classroom activities and learning experiences.  After-school rehearsals are optional and attendance will earn students extra credit points for their band grade. Exact dates will be communicated with students and families as needed. Concert Band participates in two concerts per year - the HUES Band Winter Concert and the HUES Band  Spring Concert. For 2024-2025 this club will meet on select Wednesdays in room 1524 or the JMPAC, 3:40-4:20. Schedule of exact dates will be made available to band students. Additional extra help for small groups may be offered before school from 8:15-8:55AM. 

Requirements: In order to attend after-school Band, students must be enrolled in the elective class 5th Grade Band or 5th Grade Percussion.  


Advisor: Ms. Morgen 
Description: Provide general education and special needs students with a variety of physical activities to increase skills such as developing friendships, gross-motor abilities, following directions and how to appropriately handle competitive situations. Students will also develop teamwork and exercise habits. For 2024-2025, this club meets on Wednesdays in Gym 2, 3:40-4:20PM. An interest meeting will be held on November 13th after school in GYM 2.  Advisor approval required. Max of 25 students.


C.A.R.E. (Caring Adults Reinforcing Education) 
Advisors: Ms. Pinello and Ms. Zhang (5th Grade)

Description: This club provides a select group of students with additional support in completing homework assignments and preparing for quizzes/tests after school. Members of our EBHS Honor Society volunteer to work after school with students in need of assistance. For 2024-2025, this club meets on  Wednesdays in room 2706

Requirements: Students need to be recommended to participate in this program, and, if selected, make a commitment to attend regularly.  Students must be willing to bring all materials necessary with them to C.A.R.E. CLUB and have a positive attitude and desire to improve their academic standing.  Students must have a signed permission slip.  


C.A.R.E (Caring Adults Reinforcing Education)

Advisors: Mrs. Santos and Mrs. Traverzo (6th Grade)

Description: This club provides a select group of students additional support in completing homework assignments and preparing for quizzes/tests after school. The club will be overseen by 2 teachers. Members of our EBHS Honor Society volunteer to work after school with students in need of assistance. For 2024-2025 this club will meet on Wednesdays in room HM1301


Advisor: Mrs. Tirso

Description:  The purpose of the Cheerful Creations Club is to create greeting cards that will be donated to the community. This allows students to design and create greeting cards in an assembly line, with a buddy, or individually. For 2024-2025, this club meets in room HM1706 on Tuesday mornings 8-8:45

Requirements:  Open to all students in good academic/behavioral standing. Max 20 Students



Advisor: Mrs. Richards & Mr. Scala (5th and 6th Grade)

Description:  The Coding Club provides an opportunity for students to showcase their coding skills in a collaborative, open-ended, student-led environment. Members will learn the fundamentals of coding and how it can be used to create solutions that solve everyday problems students can encounter. For 2024-2025,  Club meetings will be held on Wednesday mornings 8:15-8:55AM in room HM1205 & HM1206  - Registration opens September 19th at 9am
-Max - 25 Students per section 


DRAMA CLUB (Calendar)
Advisors: Ms. Borowski & Ms. Brown 

Description: Students engage in the rehearsal process of a kids musical version that has both an in-school student performance and a night performance for guests on the stage at the JMPAC at Hammarskjold. For 2024-2025, this club meets on Wednesdays and Thursdays in room 1010, but specific cast requirements for each day will be announced on the Drama Club Website. Interest meeting on September 25th until 4:30pm.

Requirements: Students must audition and be selected to participate in the Drama Club. Attendance at rehearsals is required; absences may result in a student not being permitted to continue in the program. Some rehearsals will require students to provide their own transportation home as they will conclude after the activity bus time.  Students may be asked to provide materials for costumes, props and/or set production the week of a show.



Advisor: Mrs. Kramer (Wells) 

Description: The purpose of this club will be to prepare students for the annual HUES talent show. Students will learn skills related to stage performance along with practicing their prepared act for the annual show. For 2024-2025, this club meets on Thursdays in GYM 2, 3:40-4:20 .  Interest meeting will January 9th, 3:40-4:20. Must submit audition video to attend in person auditions, date for in person auditions. Open to all eligible students.

Advisor: Mr. Delbar & Ms. Mann
No Fee.  

Description: Provides opportunities for students to demonstrate knowledge achieved in music classes by performing in choral groups, presenting concerts for community events, PTA programs, etc. For 2024-2025, this club meets on Tuesday mornings in room HM1203 & HM1805 or the JMPAC.  All students enrolled in Chorus, Piano, Orchestra and Band as their elective may participate. First meeting October 15th.



Advisor: Ms. Nichols (5th & 6th Grade)

Description: Provides an opportunity for students to practice skills learned in music classes as they perform jazz music.  Students audition and may participate in several student performances. For 2024-2025, this club meets on Tuesdays in room HM1524, 3:40-4:20PM. Schedule of exact dates will be made available to band students.  

Requirements: To participate in Jazz Band, students must be enrolled in the Band or Percussion elective. New Jazz Band members will be selected by audition. Returning members do not need to audition unless they are trying out on a new instrument. Attendance at rehearsals and the Night of Jazz concert is required. Excessive absences will result in dismissal from the ensemble.


ORCHESTRA—6th Grade (Schedule)
Advisor: Mr. Finnegan 

No Fee  

Description: Before and after school Orchestra rehearsals are an extension of the 6th Grade Orchestra elective. During the after-school rehearsals, all sections of Orchestras are combined. Before and after school rehearsals are scheduled throughout the year as needed by the Orchestra Director. There are two concerts per year - the Hammarskjold Orchestra Winter Concert and the Spring Concert. Attendance in after-school rehearsals is optional, but extra credit will be given to students who attend. Attendance and participation at the Winter and Spring Concerts is mandatory for all 6th Grade Orchestra students. For 2024-2025, this club meets Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in either the JMPAC or 1514. Meeting days will vary as needed and will be communicated via Orchestra Google Classroom.

Requirements: In order to attend after-school Orchestra, students must be enrolled in the 6th Grade Orchestra elective.


ORCHESTRA—5thGrade  (Schedule)
Advisor: Mr. Nelson 
No Fee

Description: Before and after school Orchestra rehearsals are an extension of the Orchestra elective. During the after-school rehearsals, all sections of Orchestra classes are combined.  Before and after-school rehearsals are only scheduled before performances. There are two concerts per year - the Hammarskjold Orchestra Winter Concert and the District Wide Orchestra Concert. For 2024-2025, this club meets on Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays in the JMPAC or in room 1514. Meeting days will vary as needed and will be communicated via the Orchestra Google Classroom.

Requirements: In order to attend after-school Orchestra, students must be enrolled in the 5th Grade Orchestra elective. 


STUDENT COUNCIL  (Schedule)                                       
Advisors: Mr. Dudek and Mrs. Conway

Description: The goal of the Hammarskjold Student Council is to promote school spirit and community service through a variety of school-related activities. The Student Council is made up of a governing body of four 6th grade students and a representative from both 5th and 6th grades. All members of the Student Council are elected by the student body after being recommended by teachers. Some specific activities that the Student Council is involved in include, election of officers and study representatives, fund raising, food drives, holiday drive, school wide student of the month recognition program, school spirit week, end of the year talent show. Meetings are normally held twice a month after school. During particularly busy times, the club may meet more often.  For 2024-2025, this club meets on Wednesdays in room HM2708.  3:45-4:20PM  Max – 35 students (eligibility based on completion of registration paperwork). Interest meeting will be on September 25th.   

Requirements: The most important quality that a member of the Student Council must have is dedication and commitment to the club. The success of any Student Council activity is completely dependent upon the support and hard work of Student Council members. Therefore, regular attendance at meetings is mandatory. We encourage members to bring their ideas to meetings. As a group, our goal is to work toward turning those ideas into projects and activities that the entire school can enjoy.


    NEW AT HUES (a.k.a Video News Makers)

Advisor: Mr. Delbar (6th Grade Only)

Description: Video Newsmakers provides students with an opportunity to produce, direct, write, and perform video broadcasts on our "News at HUES" morning announcements. For 2024-2025, this club meets 8:30AM as scheduled by advisor.  This club meets every morning in room 1203, however, a student will be scheduled to attend only once a week. Max – 20 students. Students must be approved to register. - Registration opens on 9/20/24 at 9am.

Requirements:  Once enrolled in the club, students must have a signed permission slip to participate.


Advisor: Ms. Moloughney 

Description: Provides students with an opportunity to use skills learned in English and Art classes in order to produce a school yearbook.  Students meet in sections to design, draw and layout sections of the yearbook as assigned. Students help with activity pictures, writing copy, captions and taking candid pictures. Each section will be responsible for all aspects of completing their assignment within the scope of their deadline. It is imperative that students be committed to the production of this yearbook and cannot be involved in another club that will meet at the same time as the section deadline the student is assigned. Each student will be assigned a 'section' of the yearbook to create designs and layouts. Max students - 40.Meetings will be on Tuesdays and Wednesdays 8:15AM in room HM2308

Interest Meeting is on September 24th 8am - Registration opens on 9/25/24