Elective & World Language
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Video for World Language, Electives and Cycles
This video was shown to all 5th grade students in the 8 elementary schools and to parents at the Parent Orientation Meeting. This video was designed to give students and parents an idea of the programs and to assist them in the selection of their World Language and Elective choices. Please remember that all students go through all of the cycle choices throughout the school year. Click on the "CHOICES" picture below.
Available Electives
Elective | Course Description |
Band 6 | This course is an alternate day elective course offered to sixth grade students proficient on woodwind, brass and percussion instruments. Fundamentals of ensemble playing are emphasized while studying and performing quality band music. Group lessons are offered on a rotating (pullout) schedule and are part of the course requirement. Band students should anticipate additional after-school rehearsals in preparation for public performances |
Orchestra 6 | Is an alternate day elective course offered to 6th Grade students proficient on stringed instruments (violin, viola, cello, bass). Fundamentals of ensemble playing are emphasized while studying and performing quality orchestra music. Group lesson are offered on a rotating (pullout) schedule and are part of the course requirement. Orchestra students should anticipate additional after school rehearsals in preparation for public performances. |
Chorus 6 | Students selecting Chorus as their alternate day elective in grade six will be exposed to a wide variety of musical compositions ranging from classical music to popular music. Students will spend their class periods learning to sing a variety of songs in preparation for a winter and spring concert performance. Along with these concert preparations, students are also taught music vocabulary and music theory that will serve to enhance the music they are learning for each performance. Participation in the spring and fall concerts is mandatory. |
Family and Consumer Science 6 | The Family and Consumer Science elective will provide students with exploratory experiences designed to foster personal growth and development. These experiences will prepare students for family, societal and school expectations and help them achieve more independence and self esteem. The areas of study in this elective include Relationships, Life and Careers, Financial Literacy, Nutrition and Wellness (food science and preparation skills), Human Development, Child/Elder Care and Textiles (in clothing and home design). |
Beginning Piano 6 | This course is designed for the student who has little or no music background. It introduces the fundamentals of playing any keyboard instrument. An electronic keyboard lab will be used to teach the reading of music notation in both treble and bass clefs, and performance of music using two hands. Through the use of headphones, there will be an opportunity for individual practice time and teacher instruction. |
Art Exploration 6 | Art Exploration is the art elective course offered to sixth grade students. It is taken as an alternate day elective. Art Exploration provides students with an opportunity to experience in greater depth the many varied methods and materials of art media. Exploration and development of line, color, form, texture and space in both 2-dimensional and 3-dimensional projects help to develop individual growth and personal expression. The program is composed of five broad units with projects in drawing, painting, 3-dimensional design, printmaking and graphic design. |
Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) | Students selecting the Technology Elective gain firsthand knowledge in several occupational areas to include: career awareness, planning, employability skills and foundational knowledge necessary for success in the workplace. The lab is outfitted with 16 stations (modules) each with a curriculum designed to integrate technological principles with academic and higher level thinking skills. Each station, or module, is a complete introduction to an area of study that is practical and applicable to real jobs in the real world. The modules encourage students to learn indepenently as well as in teams and are designed in 10- to 12-day increments. |